Tuesday 25 August 2009

Little lolly Update!


I am sure no one is reading this but I thought I would write it anyway. At the moment life is a little crazy. My mom just got engaged and as I am going into event managment and My mom dosent have a mother so I am taking the part of her mother and Wedding planner.

Anyway because of that, my posts maybe a little less frequent. I am obviously still going to try my best to wright as often as possible. Today I am going to strat writting up a U of L chapter as i realise that i have neglected it and it and I am truly sorry for that.

well Iguess I will get on with that. by the way, on here you can follow me and become friends, catch up talk about my story and other stories. I might set up a live journal because i no more people use live journal.

Thank you for reading.


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